Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Helping Students to Use Google Search

Today, I found an excellent lesson plan about how to teach students to use Google searching well and how to critique websites for credibility. It was on this blog:


The lesson plan was designed to be used with students in the upper elementary grades, but could be used in other grades. The blog post in which I found the lesson plan also has a link to download a comparable lesson plan for younger students.Here is a link to the lesson plan as found on the blog: 3rd to 5th Grade Search Lesson The blog also has a link to download the lesson to Google Doc, which might be a good idea if you want to try to find it later--another advantage to Google Doc.

I suggest reviewing the lesson plan and trying it out with students. Also, note the blog that the plan is on. Its author, Jeff Utecht, promises to post a new lesson plan daily. If you can, follow his blog and also follow him on Twitter. 

Note that when you go to Jeff's blog, there is also a way to follow him on Facebook. This teacher has a lot to share, so stay in touch with his teaching ideas any way that is convenient to you.

After reviewing Jeff's lesson ideas for helping students to be better "consumers" of Google searches, let us know what you think. You might  even try the lesson yourself. Do you have other tips for helping students to make better use of Google to find reliable websites?

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