Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Global Connections

Given the discipline or grade level you teach or plan to teach, how do you envision the students in your class forming global connections linked to your curricular objectives? What do you see as the best ways for students in your class to reach beyond the walls of the classroom, or even the school building, to create connections? Let's discuss. Post comments. Read one another's comments, and add to the chain of discussion.

photo credit: spitfirelas via photopin cc

1 comment:

  1. I think it is very important to make students aware of the world around them. Making them global citizens should be a main goal of a teacher. For my students, who are lower elementary, skyping, tweeting or blogging with classrooms from around the world are very doable and powerful ways to connect. Doing simultaneous read-alouds with another class, doing interviews, coteaching a lesson, or discussing a topic are all ways that classrooms from around the world can connect with each other and learn from each other.
